Other ways of Giving
Hospice of Yuma has received support from our generous sponsors, who have included us in their estate plans because they have experienced the comfort of hospice care. An estate honors your connection with our work and ensures that we will always be here for the families in our community. Ensure your legacy by creating an estate plan that provides for you and your loved ones, meets your financial goals, and supports Hospice of Yuma.

Giving through a will is a convenient way to leave a lasting legacy for the organization(s) you believe in. Bequests to our organization can be made to the Hospice of Yuma General Fund or Endowment Fund.
Tax Information: Hospice of Yuma is registered as a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Contributions to Hospice of Yuma are tax-deductible to the extent permitted by law. Hospice of Yuma’s tax identification number is 86-0409708.
Life Insurance
These can include gifts of assets, policies that have “outlived” their original purpose, or a new policy naming your charity of choice as the beneficiary. Charities benefit from long-term funding and donors receive tax benefits.
Stocks, Gift Annuities, Trusts & Estates
These types of funds ensure the funding for the future of a charity while simultaneously benefiting the donor with income and/or tax benefits.
Memorial & Honorarium Gifts
Memorial donations are made in memory of a friend or loved one that has passed. Honorariums are made in honor of a birthday, anniversary, or other special occasions of family, friends, and neighbors.
Endowment Fund
Gifts to the Hospice of Yuma Endowment Fund are held in perpetuity and the interest income is used for patient care and operational expenses.